The advantages to mediation are endless. Family mediation helps improve the communication between parties and reduces tension, bitterness and potential conflicts. If both individuals are prepared to make joint decisions through this process, they are better prepared to reach agreements that will benefit everyone in the future. Family mediation enhances communication and cooperation and can establish the foundation upon which all future contact is based.
By choosing mediation over litigation, the emotional and psychological trauma of litigation can be avoided. Each participant will feel more empowered, as he/she have taken an active role in the decision making process rather than allowing a judge to make important decisions for them. Agreements reached through mediation have proven to be more sustainable over a longer period of time due to the commitment from each person.
Here are some additional benefits of mediation:
• A primary focus in all decisions is the child(ren)’s wellbeing
• Both individuals are fully involved throughout the process and retain control of decisions affecting the family
• Communication and negotiation are respectful
• Each person makes full and complete financial disclosure
• Other professional advice and input is available when needed. This may include parenting coordinators, child specialists, co-mediators, financial specialists, accountants, realtors and tax experts. Experts are retained jointly at a shared cost to work in a balanced and reasonable way for both individuals
• The process affords both individuals complete privacy and confidentiality
• The process allows for a comprehensive resolution that addresses all of the interests of the spouses, including financial, legal, parenting and psychological interests
• The settlements reached in the collaborative process tend to be highly satisfactory and durable
• The collaborative process allows control over all decisions to the participants
• The collaborative process provides an efficient, cost-effective mechanism for making changes to agreements from time-to-time when needed